Glory Japanese Language Centre

My name is Khaing Hae Ma Phyo of GLORY CourseSchool Building.
Our courseschool is in Burma and Japan, each side of the country has private supervisors. I amand I am also in charge of the Myanmar side. _Song is the person.
GLORY Japanese Language CourseInterested in Japanese language at school, knowledgeyou gowho wants to reach Go to workJapanese for those who want to work 000222_NorthNorth_22200000-0000- 0000-0000-000000000222_SuccessLearnThere are
GLORY Japanese language courseat school Teaching and subjects below level open.
☆ N5 Level (4skills) ☆ N4 Level (4skills) ☆ N3 Level (4skills) ☆ Speaking Class
☆ Tokutei Ginou (Nursing Care) ☆ Tokutei Ginou (Food Service) ☆ Tokutei Ginou (Food Industry) ☆ Tokutei Ginou (Agriculture)
Learn the Japanese curriculum to meet the 4 skillsgivearrive are that Students to study in Japan Application and to get employment opportunitygiving and heavy load Function Because of this we are GLORY
Japanese language course.The school will have more opportunities for their students Partner with us for the purpose plusWelcome with open arms to any partner organization that can do it.There are Sun Let me introduce Sir.